General Info
- Villa Vanda is available on and platforms
- The minimum stay at the Villa is 3 days
- Sleep max 6 persons (2 bedrooms and 1 sofa bed)
Total Price
- The total price of the booking incliudes: night stay, cleaning fees, additional fees (if any) and service charges. Details of those fees are available during the check out stage on and platfoms. The two platforms have the same prices.
Before your arrival
- The Guests will receive the gate and the keys lock codes two weeks before the renting starts
- The Guest will receive the Villa allarm code which is different from each previous renting.
- “Villa Vanda” is not wheelchair accessible
- Smoking is allowed outside the Villa but not in the pool
- Pets are not allowed with exepctions of Service Animals
- Guests are strongly recommended to rent a car. All major car rentals are available in all the local airports
- La Famila supermarket is just 4km away. Other local food stores are available in San Vito dei Normanni (1km away)
- In case of Emergency, please contact: Associazione Fratellanza Popolare Croce D'Oro, Ambulance service in San Vito dei Normanni, Via Brindisi, 72019 San Vito dei Normanni BR, Italy Phone: +39 0831 951562
- The full address and coordinates will be provided by email two weeks before the Guests stay
Check In
- Check In Time: from 16.00
- Method: Face to face check in. Unfortunatelly from the 01/01/2025 the Italian Law required a face to face check in to verify the identity of the Guests agaist the docments sent before their trips.
- A set of house keys and 1 car gate controller will be provided to our Guests. Please take good care of the keys and controller as if you lose them there is a fee of E100.00 each. In case this happens please contact me directly. I will organise the delivery of the spare keys and additional controller. Please pay the E100.00 due directly to my Team member.
- Check Out Time: by 10.00am
- Method: Self Check Out process. Please follow the check-out policy provided. The check-out code is provided by email two weeks before the Guests stay
- Please try to leave the Villa as you found it. If the Guests notice some issues with the property, please report them to me directly via WhatsApp. If anything breaks during a stay we kindly ask our Guest to note it on the "Broken Items Notesheet" provided
You will get the location pin before your trip!